Email Marketing

Your customers check their emails every day, and a well-placed, targeted email is one of the most successful and effective advertising opportunities for any business.

Gone are the days of sending an email out to thousands of people in the hope that they will open it (at best around 5% actually do) - this means you are missing out on potentially hundreds (if not more) opportunities to make a sale.

Our comprehensive email marketing strategy is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach out to new and existing customers. Compared to a Marketing Campaign on Facebook or Instagram, you can save thousands of dollars with an Email Campaign and reap a terrific return on your investment.

A successful email campaign will nurture and lead your target audience. Our sophisticated algorithms will move your prospects forward through every stage of your sales funnel and assist them in their decision to make that purchase.

We can manage every aspect of your email marketing strategy and get results.

  • Targeted messaging – speak directly to your customer
  • Creation of custom newsletters
  • Email address scrubbing – remove outdated email addresses from your list, saves you time and money
  • Transactional emails – “thank you for your purchase”, “your order has been sent”
  • Performance tracking – insightful data on the success (or not) of the Campaign.
  • Zero set-up costs with seamless performance
  • From setting up an email drip campaign, to running email automation sequences and ensuring a regular flow of emails to your marketing leads, our team will do it all.

If you are not using Email Marketing Campaigns in your business yet, you are missing out!

Contact us to see how we can help you.

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with our skills, management tools and passion.

Talk to us

0490 805 880
Mon - Fri 
10am - 5pm AEST